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Joel F Handler

  439 inquiries |
Legal Services

1 East Wacker Drive, Suite 510
Chicago, IL 60601
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(312) 832-0008


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Posted on 8/13/2019

Don't. Uglier every time paid. Cook will not allow victims to terminate Handler by payment not due. Stalker.

This attorney was hired for a minor legal matter so far per fraud illegal loaves and fishes a normal $1500 has cost nearly $12,000 and is seeking doubling again I have had to get bank forensics to prove is in his accounts as paid in full for months stalking damages mileage over $20,000 more damages total over $90,000 in damage maliciously stalking " no harm as if uppity nigger' using privilege information to ruin his clients and sent a PI here also "instead of accepting payments" to tell me to "learn to stay home for Joel" disturbed to begin with his friends in Chicago are worse with per the love of 1950s violent cruelty so I remain a stalking victim for over a year until he trashes my 40 year livelihood, social status, relationships and has cultivated people here to use for stalking doing so 1-2 hours away from this attorney required regulatory and license never be able to do this to clients, cultivating cruelty in general about "how hilarious that is to do to her "due to gender and age humiliatingly me for a year about "as if clerical in my staff" inwriting only to third persons and courts which refuse to take the cancelled checks and are demanding in small claims court limited to $10,000 instead $13,000 to force me to pay until he "wants to settle" stalking them $25,000 ore more, per the PI sent 1-2 hours out here "for to learn to stay home' offensive sex remarks for a years, I urge you if he did this to you, dragging me through forensics they require for small claims $1000K and massive illegal for small claims, he banks at Bank of America. If he does this to you make sure you only use checks you can get cancelled checks from with the account numbers on the back as I did. He keeps lawsuit open when paid so he can't be prosecuted claiming "active lawsuit" that 'works' with every regulation system there is that shuts down until you can 'make me sue me' with the paid small claims. Chicago Bar Association refuses attorney referrals about other attorneys in this illegal horror claiming they can collect 3x excessive fees and 'Not violate rule 1.5" if they "use courts to" why suburbs pull attorney out of being able to do this. Report to AG, IC3, FBI, police, FTC to get that in the record as you will have not one normal regulatory or legal recourse at least forcing him to stop stalking you all for this magic refusing to close the paid in full small claims lawsuit making able to stalk for life. As what Chicago Cook does now including lashing out at if you try to close it and garnish steal cars etc. on fully paid. As does Handler every single time I attempted to pay and end this prior to during and even with motions for amounts now so I could pay and leave and end this. Worse now when I did. Federal dockets disclose this is nothing new with Handler either. turn him in to everybody if he did this to you. And seek creditor attorneys who will protect you from a Handler someday a class action to stop him, his lawsuits, and his power stalking.

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0 complaints against Joel F Handler closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
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Company Info

This company's business is legal services

Primary Contact: Joel Handler (Owner)
Business Started: N/A

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