176 inquiries | Framing and Rough Carpentry Contractors
(323) 254-8976
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I wasn't going to submit a review until I saw that there were over 200 inquiries about his business. Unfortunately, as much as we wanted to be happy with the work he did, we are not. Joe was to have moved an outside faucet and instead of using pipe, he used tubing. He fabricated and installed a wooden driveway fence and gate for my mother. He supplied all the materials and painted it to match the wood trim on the house. Within a few days of the gate being installed, it rained. The fence and gate warped, the paint bubbled and the gate cannot be closed. When confronted about this, he claimed that the paint was bad and was Mom's fault. He bought the paint, how could it be her fault? Our guess is that he used the cheapest quality paint instead of the better quality that we used on the house's trim. The wood was of inferior quality and had to be patched which contributed to the warping and bubbling when it rained. When he was fabricating the fence, he dumped all of the leftover wood into the green waste bin. When Mom saw what he'd done, she called him on it and in a condescending manner, he told her that since wood came from trees, that was perfectly OK. No, it's not. Lumber is considered construction material and is not allowed in the green waste. The question is: Is this how he performs all his work or did he do this because he thought he could get away with shoddy construction because he was working for an 86 year old woman? Either way, it's bad. I would stay away from this man. We are in the process of contacting him for a reasonable reimbursement and if that doesn't happen, we will going to small claims court.
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This company's business is providingn framing contractor services.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 841033 Status: Active
Companies offering to provide construction services which total $500 or more are required to obtain licensing and a bond with the Contractors State License Board. We suggest that you verify licensing with the California Contractor's State License Board (CSLB). For the most up to date information on license status you may call the Board at 1-800-321-CSLB, or visit their website at www.cslb.ca.gov.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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