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Proud member since 03/23/2018This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Illegal entry
K&B Property Management illegally entered without my permission to my garage. They entered inside to remove a posting I was asked to post by Beverly Hills police department, sergeant Fair. Steve Kelman was informed on that. I agreed to remove it from front door only since we agreed on that. When I came home, I noticed that K&B entered into my garage illegally. Police will be called and charges will be pressed as well.
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Company Info
K & B Property Management provides property management and rental services, including apartments, office locations, and shopping centers in the Los Angeles County area.
K & B Property Management has over 30 years of experience.We provide an intensive “on site” and “hands on” approach which has earned us a reputation of excellence in our industry. As part of our overall management services we:-Closely supervise apartment refurbishing for the rental market.-Maintain a 24 hour emergency telephone service.-Maintain properties in excellent condition.-Maintain positive tenant relations
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California Department of Real Estate
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License Number: 00784809 Status: Licensed
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