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Proud member since 06/18/2008This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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They take care of everything and made my life lot less stressful.
When our daughter first got accepted to college, we were so excited. But soon we got overwhelmed by everything we had to do before she started. Meanwhile, we needed to apply for financial aid, but we had no idea what to do. I tried searching on the web, but I got even more confused. One day, one of our friends talked about a seminar hosted by Ketterman College, so we both decided to go. It was not only informative, but also made us realize how complicated the financial aid process is; and making one simple mistake in the application could cost us the aid. My friend and I both decided to sign up with Ketterman College. After being with them for 3 years, I would say this is the best thing I've done. They take care of everything and made my life lot less stressful. I've been very happy with their service and I plan to use them as long as my daughter in in school (she is planning to go to Grad school, so we'll be with Ketterman College all the way). They have my vote of confidence.
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Ketterman College Funding Inc offer a wide array of services that fit the needs of every family. The KCF team serves to help first-time college applicants with college selection as well as financial consulting and filing of financial aid forms.
We help families in selecting the correct colleges, performing career searches, maximizing your financial aid potential along with showing you how to cash flow your financial responsibility.Kim started Ketterman College Funding to fulfill her passion to assist students in achieving educational success while paying for college most cost effectively.
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