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Kevin Jacobs CPA

 Member | 507 inquiries |
Certified Public Accountants

4187 Flat Rock Drive Suite 300
Riverside, CA 92505
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(951) 739-0758

Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

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Proud member since 05/10/2022
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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

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We have received no complaints against this company.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against Kevin Jacobs CPA closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

Other Information

Company Info

Our business provides accounting, audit, tax, controllership services and technology services to clients in Southern California from our office in Norco, CA. Clients include individuals, nonprofit organizations and businesses.

Primary Contact: Kevin P. Jacobs (Owner)
Business Started: 12/4/1981
About Kevin Jacobs CPA

Our goal is to position our clients to be able to quickly focus their attention on profit-focused decisions rather than routine accounting and tax matters. Our clients benefit from my professional experience and our assistance with establishing and maintaining organized financial and tax records. Financial information that is managed throughout the year can provide useful information for making decisions related to financial goals of a business, a nonprofit organization, an individual or a family.

The firm tailors its services to each client's specific needs. Our goal in serving business clients is to maximize their resources and to minimize their expenses by providing practical and efficient accounting, tax and audit services; services that are perceived as valuable rather than merely a cost of doing business.

Our purpose is serving individuals with complex tax issues, such as multi-state income tax, trusts, and estate taxes, is to assist them with minimizing their tax burden while controlling the destiny of their wealth.

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In California, individuals or firms using the designation Certified Public Accountant (CPA), or Public Accountant are required to be licensed with the California Board of Accountancy. For the most up-to-date information on this license, call 916.263.3680 or visit

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

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BCA has no information regarding government actions at this time.

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We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Kevin P. Jacobs, CPA
Kevin P Jacobs, CPA

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Dinelle Jackson (Office Manager)

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