278 inquiries | Cabinet Contractors
(714) 228-0099
Monday - Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm
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When we are ready to do some more work in the house, we will definitely call him again.
Kitchen Cabinets Express exceeded our expectations and we were very pleased. We are very much appreciate Ammar's design flair. He anticipated our needs and asked us for a lot of details. He came up with a design that exceeded our expectations. He walked through the show room to show us the various materials and hardware items. He took the time to show us the various features like the drawers that are able to be lifted out of their tracks, so that they could be cleaned. He is a nice guy, he is likable and knowledgeable. After we signed the contract and the work begun, he visited us on site virtually every morning. The crew was on time and left the place neat when they departed at the end of the work day. Ammar made sure that work was done and if we had any questions he was immediately was there to answer them. When we are ready to do some more work in the house, we will definitely call him again. I would recommend their services and am glad I was referred to them through a friend.
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Company Info
Kitchen Cabinets Express, Inc. is Cabinet Contractor providing the design, installation and sales of kitchen and bathroom cabinets.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 870933 Status: Active
Companies offering to provide construction services which total $500 or more are required to obtain licensing and a bond with the Contractors State License Board. We suggest that you verify licensing with the California Contractor's State License Board (CSLB). For the most up to date information on license status you may call the Board at 1-800-321-CSLB, or visit their website at www.cslb.ca.gov.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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