Member | 489 inquiries | Window Cleaning Services
(626) 484-3215
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Proud member since 08/12/1999This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Whether a residential or commercial job, we guarantee quality workmanship, prompt and courteous window cleaning service at affordable prices. We also do solar panel cleaning and gutter cleaning.
Born and raised in the Badlands of South Dakota, working hard was a way of life. I came from a large family that all worked to operate the ranch we lived on. My parents instilled in me good family values, hard work and dedication were necessary for a successful life. Shortly after I married and had a family, we headed to California where I started my window cleaning business in January 1987. We are a family-owned-and-operated company. I still remember my first day going door-to-door to pick up new customers. Those lessons I learned growing up are what my business is founded on today. To this day, I still have many of my original customers who helped me get started. These customers and every new customer since are an important part of the business because they continually refer their friends, neighbors and colleagues to us. Each referral enjoys the same personal attention, quality work and care that all of our customers have received for more than two decades. As technology changes we are adapting to the busy lives of people. One way we are meeting those needs is through this web page so you may learn about our company and decide if we are right for you.You may contact us via email or phone. Along with technology we are expanding our service from just window cleaning and solar panel cleaning to include rain gutter cleaning, installing rain gutter guards and power washing homes, businesses, patios, and driveways. Just remember our motto: “We compete in Quality, not just price.”
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