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Proud member since 06/26/2014This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Law Offices of Jayson A. Soobitsky, P.A.areas of practice include Family Law, Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, General Civil Litgation, Estate Planning and Probate.
At the Law Offices of Jayson A. Soobitsky, P.A., our clients come first. Every client is treated with courtesy and respect. Our expertise and integrity have earned us a reputation as one of Maryland’s premier legal firms.Our consistent track record of uncompromising ethics instills confidence and trust. We use cutting edge technologies that allow us to respond quickly, and give you the most relevant information and perspectives.The Law Offices of Jayson A. Soobitsky, P.A. is dedicated to achieving the best outcome for every client. With the Law Offices of Jayson A. Soobitsky, P.A. on your side, you will get straight forward advice that will empower you to make the best decisions for your future. We never forget that we work for you.
Interested in Law Offices of Jayson A. Soobitsky, P.A.? Contact them directly!
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