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Proud member since 11/03/2008This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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I raised my daughter as a single parent and worked in corporate environments that challenged the nano cells of my body and mind. Specifically, the majority of my jobs have had a component of responsibility to individuals living with developmental or physical challenges in their lives. In today's world, the complexities of life will lend one limp with frustration and stress due to an over abundance off competing factors. When my newly purchased car stopped (while still running) on the 210 freeway with my daughter in tow I believed all was lost. At that critical moment, I remember wishing for someone to turn to and say, "what do you think"? The bottom line was I had no one. The next day I sat at the computer and word searched, Lemon Law. First item that came up was the name, Timothy Frank Fatone. I was skeptical to say the least. My skepticism is based on the perceived notion that online Counsel are a mixed bag thieves third rate law school graduates. Note to self: you're "judgegy"! After pushing past my own ego the voice over the phone spoke to me at length, gave me detailed instructions, sent me a contract and he moved forward with my case. Yet, despite the ease of initiating my lemon law case the exchange left me uncomfortable simply because it was too easy. The next occurrences may shock you! Mr. Fatone, answered every phone call, addressed every issue in this case himself, and never ended a call until he addressed and made sure I understood every detail of the matter at hand. Several months later, I received a call from that familiar faceless voice indicating that my case was resolved in my favor in the amount of thirty-five thousand dollars! The process was seamless. If you are looking for someone who is knowledgeable, does what he says, ethical ( yes, an attorney who actually took his ethics course in law school seriously), Timothy Frank Fatone is your answer! e
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Expert Lemon Law Attorneys. We provide free consultations and do not charge for our services. This office has been practicing lemon law and dealer fraud exclusively for the past 13 years. Put our experience to work for you. Call Now: 877-875-3666
If you have had the bad fortune of purchasing or leasing a defective vehicle, that the manufacturer is unable to repair, or if you are just concerned about your rights and want the advice of a seasoned and well practiced attorney, then you should call the Law Offices of Timothy F. Fatone. We will provide expert advice at no cost. We will advise you of your rights and counsel you to protect your rights and to hold the car companies responsible for their warranties. Also, if you believe that you have been defrauded by a dealership, call us to discuss you situation and we will assist in any way we can. We provide free representation and have a 99% success rate. Call now for a free consultation: 562.286.6525
Interested in Law Offices of Timothy F. Fatone? Contact them directly!
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