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Levitate Web Design

  197 inquiries |
Website and Web Page Development Services

401 Congress Avenue Suite 1540
Austin, TX 78701
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(512) 703-0659


Contact Us: (512) 703-0659.

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 6/18/2015

Levitate Web Design Lacks Professional Service and Fails to Provide the Products they Promise

My experience with Levitate Web Design has been the worst I've had in my life. Levitate Web Design promised to deliver my company an e-commerce site for online ordering and they have completely failed to deliver. They could not make the site work and made it live without telling me. So, I received orders that were not charged for delivery or tax and I had to deliver and pay tax on them out of my own pocket. Once I told them to take the site off-line because it wasn't working their communication stopped completely. They knew that they had built a site that didn't work, but after two years of me trying to get them to correct their mistakes and get it to work again, they actually blamed me for "not using the site". Let me ask, how can you use a site that never worked from the very start? Levitate Web Design then recently took a deposit from me to have another attempt at trying to make this e-commerce site work and go live. They clearly knew this site wouldn't work, that they weren't going to live up to the agreement that they would build me a site that would work, and took my money anyway. The owner, Kelly, emailed me to say that the plug in they used is no longer supported and that I will need to build myself a completely new site from scratch. As a web design company, these people should be using programs and plug ins that will last more than a couple of years, this site was something that should have been working for the long term and they knew they were using programs and plug ins that would be out dated in a short period of time. This is a good example of the fact that they do not have the skills needed to deliver the web designs and products they promised me. On top of all of that, the owner, Kelly, ended her email with the words "Good Luck" and completely wrote me off. Didn't call me to try to talk about what she could possibly to do help me, or try other solutions to deliver the product I paid for, just "Good Luck" and goodbye. I disputed the credit card charge for the recent deposit, since she wrote me off and can't make this site work at all. She had the nerve to complain to me about disputing the charge that she did absolutely nothing to make this site work from the start. She emailed me complaining that I didn't call her to tell her I was going to dispute the charge. Well, she didn't call me to tell me that she was quitting and couldn't deliver the product I paid her for either. Buyer Beware. Levitate Web Design will tell you they can make you a website that will work, then never complete it, and complain that you didn't pay them enough!

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0 complaints against Levitate Web Design closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Levitate Web Design provides web and graphic design services, specifically for small to medium sized businesses based in Austin, Texas or the surrounding areas.

Primary Contact: Matthew Rusin (CEO)
Business Started: 11/30/2010

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Levitate Web Design, LLC

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Kelly Wendt (COO)

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