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M Sanderson Construction & Design, Inc.

  370 inquiries |
General Building Contractors

74478 Hwy 111 #302
Palm Desert, CA 92260
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(760) 898-5997

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Posted on 7/14/2021

Sanderson is a grifter. Won $6k from her in court.

Sanderson screwed up a simple request for drawings for a large carport roof. She was given $7k to begin. She did nothing and refused to return my money, so I took her to Small Claims court where she struck up a friendship with the Supervisor of Court Security, Sgt. Steven J. Spear. At the hearing, she testified that I was a sexual predator, that I stalked her, and went to her house with a gun. Spear, took notice and was sympathetic to her requests to protect her from me, and she always had him escort her around the courthouse. She lost in court but refused to pay me so I had to take her back to court where she continued to seek out Spear, asking him to escort her around because I had threatened her. The Judge made her pay. I left first so Sanderson could have Spear escort her to her car. Within three minutes, I began to pull out of my parking spot, when I saw Sanderson, with no escort, coming directly toward me. When I first noticed motion coming around the corner, I took my foot off the gas, but when I realized it was Sanderson, she startled me, and in my haste to back away from her, accidentally squeaked my tires, but not enough to leave a skid mark. Sanderson, still at least twenty feet from me, began jumping up and down in the middle of the drive through. I was dumbfounded and wondered what was happening. Suddenly, Spear yanked open my car door and said, "I saw what you did, you tried to run over her, you're under arrest." The court charged me with a violent felony, with a possible five year prison sentence. After paying bail, I was put on a temporary restraining order, and Sanderson took me to court to make it permanent. At the hearing, Sanderson reported how she had to call 911 because I was trying to run her off the road, and she had video of the incident. When the Sheriff arrived, she had no video, no evidence. In this situation, I was still under a restraining order, and if the Sheriff believed her, would have put me back in jail till my trial. Nothing happened, because Spear said, "It has nothing to do with the case." So she got off without being arrested, but they didn't revoke my bail either. Smh. Sanderson's testimony under oath contradicted Spear's sworn testimony at the indightment hearing: Sanderson said that when I was trying to run over her, "Sgt. Spear was right there the whole time..twenty feet from me." Spear says, " I was thirty-five yards away, and standing by the flagpole" right outside the courthouse door. I hired a traffic analyst to investigate and in his report stated that what Sanderson accused me of was, "impossible" based on the position of my vehicle when I was arrested, i.e., with Sanderson approaching from the South, my vehicle would have to be pointing North if I were backing toward her, but it sat pointing South, so I could not be backing toward her. That was in 2016. I still can't get a trial, and the PDs do nothing. California is run by the cops, and lying grifters go free.

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0 complaints against M Sanderson Construction & Design, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
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Company Info

M. Anderson Construction & Design, Inc. is a licensed general building contractor specializing in solar energy.

Primary Contact: Monica Sanderson (RMO/CEO/President)
Business Started: 2/4/2013

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California State Contractors License Board

Verified License

License Number: 986218
Status: Expired

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SOS Energy



Kenneth Joseph Sanderson (Officer)