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Proud member since 11/09/2010This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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MCG is a privately owned and privately capitalized company offering its clients portfolio loan programs as well as "hot pick programs" from our key strategic alliance relationships.
MCG specializes in providing commercial real estate loans, to meet our various clients' unique needs while maintaining a high degree of personal service and flexibility throughout the lending process.MCG offers its' clients diverse and innovative apartment and commercial real estate loan programs. These programs are offered through its institutional alliances and nationwide lending relationships.Our unique loan programs and high level of personal service enable our clients to navigate today's maze of industry loan products and locate the right loan for them. MCG offers "one-stop" shopping, empowering our clients to select the "best loan" from a variety of programs.Our dedication to quality is evident in everything we do. We realize with very loan transaction, we have another opportunity to demonstrate our strong commitment to customer service. From the front-line staff to our senior management, it is our intention to ensure complete customer satisfaction. We are proud to say that many of our new customers are the result of referrals, which is the highest compliment we can receive.When working with MCG, you can get the best of what is available in the marketplace for apartment and commercial financing, virtue of our vast capital resources.At Marketplace Capital Group, when it comes to income property financing, It’s all about providing You with the RIGHT loan.
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California Department of Real Estate
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License Number: 01857042 Status: Licensed
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