134 inquiries | Cosmetics Retail Store
(714) 930-3444
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Please Buyer Beware!!! Micabella kiosk (aka Mica Beauty Cosmetics)
I was approached by Jountan in the Los Cerritos Mall as I was attempting to leave the mall as I had finished my planned and desired purchases from Macy's cosmetics counter and Sephora. He asked me what foundation and eye shadow I was wearing and proceeded to show me his makeup line. Multiple times I insisted I was not interested in any products and was happy with purchases. He would not take no for an answer. To appease him, I allowed him to apply his product to a section of my skin, while reiterating my non-interest in purchasing any products. I had my purse and bags on my lap that contained my purchases for the day. He insisted I put them on the chair next to me which I was not comfortable with. I wanted to keep an eye and hand on my personal belongings. Without my permission, he grabbed my purse and bags and put them on the chair. He began hugging on me and asking my marital status. I told him my marital status was not for disclosure. He continued to insist on knowing this personal information. Without my permission, he proceeded to reach into my bags, pulled out the products I bought, read the labels, and told me how bad the products were for me, in addition to telling me the sales rep at the Channel counter at Macy's sold me the wrong color for my skin. He asked if I could keep a secret, whispered into my ear that he worked for Channel for eight years, Channel products are only about the name, they are bad for my skin, not to tell anyone at Macy's, and to return the products to Macy's. He repeated this in my ear six different times during the course of him giving his nonstop very hard sales speech along with repeatedly hugging on me and calling me Honey. Every time I expressed my non-interest in purchasing products, he would continue his very hard sale tactics. This experience had me feeling like I was in the eye of a tornado and did not know how to get out. I was so incredibly uncomfortable and decided to purchase the product just to be able to get out of that situation and planned to return them the next day hoping he would not be there. I gave him my credit card and signed the small computer screen. After he printed the receipt, he folded it in half where I could not see the bottom half. I attempted to reach for it from his hand and he pulled his arm away. Regarding height, I am only 5'1" and he is about 6'2". I could not reach the receipt from his hand when he pulled it away. Four separate times I reached for the receipt and he pulled it away from me. I eventually go a hold of the receipt and began reviewing the receipt. Before I could review the receipt, he pulled it out of my hand and shoved it in my bag then proceeded to hard sell me on more products. I told him I did not even want the products he sold me much less anything else. After I walked away, I began reviewing the receipt and noticed on very bottom in small print, "No Refunds. Exchanges within 14 days". There were no signs posted of their sales policy nor did he even verbally inform me of this policy. That night, I had nightmares about this experience. The following day, I returned to the Micabella kiosk to get a full refund on the unopened products. I approached an employee at the kiosk, asked to speak to the manager, she said she would call him. When I asked who is "him", she said Jountan. I told her he was the person I had a problem with. She called him on the phone, he was on a coffee break, and I was told I would have to come back in 20 minutes. After 20 mins, I returned, I told Jountan that I was very unhappy about my experience and that there should be signs of his no refund policy at the register along with him verbally informing the customer so they can make an informed decision upon purchasing. He said he had no room for a sign and does not have time to tell customers about the policy. I told him with the large amount of counter space available, he has plenty of room for a sign or sticker stating the policy and with everything he is saying during his nonstop very hard sales speech, he can tell the customer two words "no refunds". He continued to refuse his responsibility to the customer to inform them of their sales policy. I told Jountan I wanted a full refund of the unopened products for $164.63. He refused to do so and said he would have to contact his partner. I asked him to call his partner at that moment so I could talk to him. Jountan refused to call his partner. Jountan said it would take 2 days for him to contact his partner. He asked for my cell phone number to call me back when he gets a hold of his partner and his partner's decision Two days later I receive a call from Jountan, he called from his cell phone, he told me I could not receive a full refund but they would offer me 50% off additional products. I told him I wanted nothing less than a full refund and he refused to do so. On May 22nd, Jountan text me from his cell phone to my cell phone, soliciting me to come to him for a facial. I was appalled that he was now using my cell phone number for these purposes. I have since filed a report with Los Cerritos Center Property Management, no resolution has come from that. I also filed a report with the Business Consumer Alliance, at which time, they have not been able to contact him by phone so they are attempting to reach him by mail. To date, Jountan nor his partner have addressed these issues. Normally, I never speak with the people working at the kiosks. I have many regrets from this situation. I would not want anyone else to go through what I endured.
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