611 inquiries | Drug Testing Services
(937) 439-1117
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Joy does a great job. She always follows up to make sure we are taken care of.
We have been using Mobile Health Services for a year. We like that we can get people in there whenever we want. I give a time and can set the time. They can usually do it in a couple of days or within a week. Joy does a great job. She is very nice and responsive. She always follows up to make sure we are taken care of. I would definitely recommend their services.
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Our services include DOT and Non DOT Drug Testing, Alcohol Testing, DNA Testing, T-8 and DOT Physicals and Customized Wellness Programs, including lab testing, health risk assessments and flu shots. Care One Connect also managed by Joy Brush, Corpo
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This company may be required to be licensed or certified for the services they provide. To check the status of this company's Drug Testing and Speciment Collection certification please contact the US Department of Transportation Office of Drug and Alcohol Policy and Compliance at http://www.dot.gov/odapc or call (202) 366-3784.
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