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NaNa Boo's Childcare

  173 inquiries |
Child Care Centers and Services

Los Angeles, CA 90037
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(310) 293-6933

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 9/15/2016

honest review

Had my daughter is pissy clothes all day when I came to get her. I potty-trained my child and she is using the bathroom at home, public restrooms, just about anywhere but for some reason doesn't want to over there. she suggested I use pull ups when i bring her but she clearly states on her ad that she helps potty train kids. Well she didn't. When I did comply and give her pull ups to put on her, when I get home, the pullups are soaked like it hasnt been changed all day. Everytime I can in the door recently, she would tell me something negative that my daughter did or some kind of dry complaint as if she has been holding it in all week along and can't wait to tell me, that is very petty. At first we got along great, and I just believe things turned sour and she really didn't have enough patient for my child as she was letting on. My daughter obviously was not comfortable there for her not to want to eat from her or use the bathroom. Perhaps she scolded her alot when I was not there. I often hear my daughter saying things to herself, replaying what may have been said to her or around her. For a long time, my daughter was the only child she was watching, when I first came it was about 3-4 kids and then everybody slowly left her services. Now I see why. Why would you put my child in diapers when she clearly knows how to use the bathroom and then don't even tend the diapers, thats lazy. You said potty train children, if you put her back in diapers you are giving her permission to piss and caca on herself. Her late fees are 5 dollars a minute! These are single low income mothers she is watching kids for and one that rides public transportation at that. She clearly doesn't understand that rush hour traffic on the busiest streets in Los Angeles has an effect on buses and trains as well. I believe that my childcare agency paid for my travel time but she added her own little late fees on top of it to make extra money. Even for one of my jobs which were evening to midnight, I had my mother watching my daughter not her, but she still got paid for it and wanna charge me late fees. I will never come back there ever again, I thought she was a good person but she really wasn't at all. Who knows how she treated my baby all I can go by is the things my daughter repeats to herself so I can imagine she is being scolded or yelled at alot from a lack of patience. Or her grandkids who she also watches probaly complain about my baby and get her in trouble so she takes their side and reprimands her. If my daughter shuts down when shes with you, like a complete 360 versus how she is at home, in public, and with family and friends, you know that there is a disconnect and something ain't right.

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0 complaints against NaNa Boo's Childcare closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
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Company Info

We are a family-owned and operated rfamily child care center. We treat every customer like they were a part of our family. We are first aid & CPR certified and offer educational and infant curriculum.

Primary Contact: Kim Moore-Rias (Owner)
Business Started: 7/25/2011

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California law requires all child care facilities to be licensed by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Community Care Licensing Division (CCLD). The CCLD has responsibility for licensing Child Care facilities under the authority of the California Health and Safety Code.

To verify licensing for child care facilities, contact the Child Care Program Office by writing to them at, 744 P Street MS: 9-14-48, Sacramento, CA 95814, faxing them at 916-651-0531, or calling them at 916-651-6040. Their website address is Inland Empire residents may verify licensing locally by calling the Inland Empire Regional office at 951-782-4200.

For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.

This company's CCLD Family Day Care Home License is 198016387

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We have no further comment about this company's business practices or analysis of its offer that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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Rias Family Day Care Home
NaNa Boo's Family Childcare Center
Rias Family Child Care

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Kimberely Rias (Owner)