96 inquiries | Used Car Dealers
(207) 632-7879
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I would like to see his business go out of business because he is not a safe Car dealer and has no desire to be a good one.
We recently purchased a 06 Dodge Charger from N and M Auto in Norway Maine at first he said there was absolutely nothing wrong with the car. I personally looked at it there was a few things I noticed, so he cut down the price a little, we took the car brought it to another inspection station he failed it, he wrote down everything the car needed we told the auto place that we would like to have this fixed, at first he refused then he said bring it over he will fix everything. He said it was done we went over everything was not done. We tried driving the car home and the brakes seized up, so we had to have it towed.
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This company's business is a used car dealership providing repair services.
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