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Proud member since 01/31/2013This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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New Method Wellness offers a serene place for clients to begin recovery for addictive treatment through medical detox, primary care, dual diagnosis, trauma treatment, extended aftercare, outpatient treatment that is tailored to the individual.
At New Method Wellness, we understand that there is no singular approach to recovery. We know that the underlying causes of addiction and co-occurring disorders are as different as the people who have them and therefore, we believe, addiction treatment must be tailored to the individual. For that reason, we structure our program so that the specific needs of each client can be met.With a reputation for exemplary care, New Method Wellness is much more than just an addiction treatment center. Our methods have proven time and again to stop substance abuse and addiction, and start the process of healthy living. With a focus on positive mental, emotional and spiritual growth, our extensive therapeutic advances are combined with holistic methodologies like yoga, equine therapy, meditation and acupuncture, as well as optional 12 step meetings, to support the recovering addict in their path to healing.
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