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Proud member since 06/12/2013This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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A great school. I enjoyed the classes. The professors are excellent. Well done.
On my first day attended classes, I felt the holy spirit in it. The professors are extremely excellent. One of my best classes was the fasting class where my husband and I attended. It was my first time fasting for 14 days. And this class helping to be closer to God. The Hebrew class, wow! Outstanding University.
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Next Dimension University's general education philosophy serves to enhance creativity, reasoning, ethical behavior, and human understanding, which are essential to the attainment of personal goals and effective participation.
Dr. McLeod initially was going to school to become a medical doctor. He was on his way to Meharry Medical College in Nashville Tennessee, but God would alter his destiny and launch him in the direction of divine destiny: a destiny that would entail facilitating the needs of God’s people. With a 3.5 G.P.A, he graduated from Mount San Antonio College with honors. That, combined with the favor of God, allowed him to transfer to a Masters of Pastoral Studies Program at Azusa Pacific University. He also attended Biola University in La Mirada California, Laverne University in La Verne CA and Drew Medical University in Los Angeles CA. Dr. McLeod earned his doctorate of Ministry.
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