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scammers and liars
SCAM ALERT owow this place sucks! is what you exclaim every minute you spent in this complex. you also exclaim owow this company steal from the tenants in plain sights. Owow gotta be the most corrupt and disgusting developing company in California, honestly i hope the managers get arrested. matter of fact i will make an appointment with the city of oakland to see if some justice can be done. During my extremely unpleasant stay here of 15 months I experienced a lot of unethical behaviors from owow but lets start from the beginning. - fist thing we toured a unit that we agreed to rent and they then put a different one on the contract so you can imagine our surprise when on move in day it ends up being a totally different unit from the one we were supposed to rent. - starting living there you will notice how unsafe is the area during my staying the following happened: - my bicycles got stolen - one of the neighbors was assaulted and heavily injured by a group of robbers - a tenant car was stolen in front of the building at a gun point - packages were stolen on a DAILY base from the locker room - cloths were stolen from the laundry room - cops were on the premises multiple times for many cases of domestic violence - a group of junkies squatted into a unit at ground floor the cops were involved and move them out they found meth and guns in the unit - my neighbor car was vandalized twice - oWow will fabricate FAKE utilities bills and overcharge the tenants for services they do not receive. 150$ per month average only for trash. nobody in the nation pays that absolutely ridiculous. when confronted they claimed the trash was picked up 5 times a week, utterly false i even called WM and confirmed with them that was false. - Owow will dump construction materials from other projects into the tenants paid dumpsters and then bill them - oWow will never return your phone calls or email. - oWow will unlawfully post notice of late payments before the legal require time frame - one of the top managers of Owow recently bragged publicly at a conference in SF about bay area developments about how they start constructions without the city permits - the tenants at market st are absolutely uncivilized, in fact they should probably be living in a zoo rather than a society, people or people dogs will routinely defecate and urinate in the elevator. - the property constantly smells like urine and feces - property is unmaintained - 80% of the washers and dryers in the washing rooms have been out of service for more than 1 year but owow doesn't want to spend money to fix them - 2 elevators are installed at 1919 market st, 1 of them is weekly filled with urine and feces the other one has been offline for 15 months. why? because owow doesn't want to pay 10k to the elevator company to fix it. a lot of people are disabled or elderly in this complex and would benefit from the second elevator working. the issue has been reported thousands of time to the managers an
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OWOW Construction LLC provides integrated design, development, and construction into one team with the goal of building adaptable, affordable spaces.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 1084686 Status: Active
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