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Proud member since 09/23/1994This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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A Wonderfully Organized School
I have had my son in three different home schools including Pear Blossom Private School and when comparing price and curriculum this school far exceeds the others. They answer questions as quickly as possible, they explain everything in detail and they leave you alone. There is no pushing of Common Core (even though they have to be Common Core compliant while they were in CA [they are now in MS] nor do they push religion). They are well spoken and helpful for understanding what each year will offer your child. I do recommend you become involved in your child's work, whether it be the Super Year Book or the Textbooks for you need to understand what the texts want. So we found the Super Yearbook from the publisher and studied with our son and will do the same with the text books. Simple, keep track of your child's attendance for the school and your records. Very easy to understand. Highly recommend! Dedrianne
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We are accredited by the National Private Schools Association Group (NPSAG) and provide a quality, distance-education curriculum for each grade K-8. We offer instant grading and a high school diploma to those completing the requirements.
Pearblossom Private School, Inc. has been recognized nationally as well as internationally by trade schools and colleges around the world. Since 1989 we have not compromised our high standards in fact, we have defined the standard for future distant education. We are regionally accredited.Today, we are defining the protocols of not only distant learning, but of educational technologies and communications that will supersede those of the Internet. We thank you for choosing Pearblossom Private School, Inc. for your educational needs.
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