Member | 508 inquiries | Tree Service Contractors
(909) 855-0264
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Proud member since 04/18/2019This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Poseidon Valley Tree Service provides fire prevention tree trimming and limb removal, weed abatement, bark beetle infestation removal and landscaping services,
Poseidon Valley Tree Service can perform various services to improve the safety, beauty and health of your property! Our services include, but are not limited to:Limb removalTree pruningTree trimmingShrubbery and garden plantingTree plantingLight landscapingWeed abatementPoseidon Valley can help with light landscaping work and mulch spreading. Let us be your comprehensive landscape maintenance team! We can also install rope swings, hammocks and tree swings. We can even build a tree house if you're interested!
Interested in Poseidon Valley Tree Service? Contact them directly!
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This company may be required to be licensed or registered for the services they provide. To verify this company's Licensed Timber Operator License, please contact the California Department of Forestry/CAL FIRE, Forest Practice at or by calling (916) 653-7211.
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