Member | 317 inquiries | Concrete Contractors
(951) 634-8965
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Proud member since 03/12/2021This company is a Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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Prime Design Pavers offers premier landscape installation services including landscape and design concrete (stamped and colored), mow curb, retaining and garden walls, design and installation of interlocking pavers and more.
Prime Design Pavers is the premier company for all of your outdoor needs in Southern California. No job too big. We believe that every yard has the potential of being what you desire it to be. With years of creating firepits, stone walkways, and using stamped concrete we offer our expert advice in what products to use that will best serve your land. If you do not have the eye to see what your yard can become, we have an artistic eye to bring the best to your yard. We have earned our clients because we are good at what we do. We have had returning clients because they learn that they can trust us and that we care about the big picture.
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California State Contractors License Board
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License Number: 899565 Status: Active
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