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Pro Gel Stay White

  194 inquiries |
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15820 Euclid Avenue
Chino, CA 91708
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(800) 331-0427

Monday - Friday 7:00am - 7:00pm

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Posted on 10/20/2014

PRO GEL and unethical trapping into contracts

The progel 4.95 free trial kit is a SCAM- when calling they say you get this lot basically for free then once you agree to it then it tells you you will be charged 79.95 to have future kits sent to you but at that point you've already agreed to there terms! They then tell you once you receive your kit you can cancel within 2 weeks of the day you signed up, problem with that is they lawfully have 30 days to send you product and you won't have your product within 2 weeks of trial period so ultimately you will be billed the 79.95 because your product doesn't show up until after the 2 weeks are up;CLEVER SCAMMERS; there's been many complaints on them and their deceitful way of conning you out of a lot of money! DONT sign up for trail kit! Plus, once you complete the order it automatically signs you up for done magazine costing an extra 29.95 a month at the promise you'll get a $50 Walmart card! They give you an option to deny but them say you have to wait until your sample comes in to cancel the subscription to it , wasting about an hour of long drawn out recordings and keeping you in total frustration just to get a sample then after that scam you're directed to Carnival cruises for the ultimate package scam of $59.95! I was in complete shock at this point ! I heard the advertisement on Hot 99.5 was going ton DC and they should of not agreed to advertise a company with a rating of " F" to their viewers! I found number to this company to cancel and again the recordings wasted another 40 minutes explaining how to get product cheaper even though I denied twice in call they keep playing same message over and over and over! I would have gladly paid any dentist 100 to avoid ever going through this scam! Plus the trays for your mouth aren't shaped to fit your mouth as opposed to professional dentist visits! I've been reading reviews from people who say they were still charged even after they cancelled before product came in and that the majority of the complaints haven't been refunded! This company Progel is the ULTIMATE in scamming on how their recordings are set up and licking you in to their kits and various other contacts associated with them including sine magazine company and carnival cruises too! My advice IT IS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE and they rob your back account! Best thing to do once you're in this situation is change your back account to a different account to avoid any on going fees! I'm completely disguised at the ethics on which this company traps it clients on a trial and in the end they WILL charge you!

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0 complaints against Pro Gel Stay White closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
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0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
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Company Info

Pro Gel Stay White provides the sale of teeth whitening products via the internet.

Primary Contact: Customer Service
Business Started: N/A

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Comments and Analysis

The Federal Trade Commission's Mail Order Rule allows the seller 30 days to ship ordered products to the buyer unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase. If the seller cannot ship within the 30 day period, they are required to notify the buyer in writing of the delay, and give the option of waiting, or having their money returned within seven days. Credit card payments must be credited within one billing cycle.

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We know of no other matter or practice relating to this company that may assist you in your consideration of this company.

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National Dental Supply / ProGel

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