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R 1 Concepts, Inc.

  401 inquiries |
Automobile Parts and Supplies Retail

520 East Jamie Avenue
La Habra, CA 90631
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(714) 777-2323

Monday - Friday 9:00 to 6:30 PST

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This business is not a member of Business Consumer Alliance. This fact does not disparage the company in any way.

Recent Review

Posted on 11/27/2018

Horrible Customer Service

wish I could give a lower rating. Let me say, this IS NOT a rating on their product quality as I NEVER received my parts I paid for. The order number was 220022494. The estimated shipping date was Nov 21. Just for reference I live in La Habra so I am 10 min away from their warehouse. I had not heard anything by the 21st so I called and spoke with a very nice rep who said it may not go out since it was the day before Thanksgiving but it would go out for sure on that Friday the 23rd. I said no problem. On Friday I never received an email with a tracking number so I called again. I spoke with a Customer Service person who said that they contacted shipping and said they would go out for sure that evening. Also, they would follow up with me first thing when they come in Monday morning. Well, nothing was ever delivered and no one ever followed up with me Monday morning. This was on the 26th. I tried calling but I waited for approx 30 minutes and no one ever came on the phone. I hung up and chatted with a person named "Peace" with their Online Chat system. I explained to her what was happening and she apologized and said if I could wait she would contact shipping. I waited for several minutes and she came back and said she personally spoke with a person in shipping and gave his word he would get them out and he would contact me personally with the tracking number. When I tried to explain to her that everyone has promised to contact me she hung up the chat and did not let me finish. I waited 5 hours for this shipping person to call or email me and it never happened. Now I am really done so I call again and speak to "Louie". I explain to him that I am done and just want to cancel. He said no problem and cancelled the order. HE then asked me why and I explained everything. He said if I could give him the chance to save the order he would give me more discount and personally handle it to completion. Also, he would follow up with me first thing Tuesday morning on the status. I agreed and he said he reversed the cancellation and saved the order. Well, guess what happened.......NOTHING! No calls, no emails, nothing. I waited until 11am and decided I was done again! I called to speak to customer service..again. Rep "Carlos" answered and I asked to speak to "Louie". He said he would find him and to hold. Carlos came back on the line after about 5 minutes and said the order was cancelled. I told him what happened and he said Louie was not able to save it and a refund was already being processed. I was stunned. I have nothing, nothing is on order and now he tells me I wont get my refund for about 10 days. He said he would be happy to start a new order for me. What a guy!! I told him now I do not have the money for another set as I already gave it to them. He said All I need to do is pay again and he will start a new order. I told him again I do not have the money and he said to order them when I get it. Now I have nothing!

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0 complaints against R 1 Concepts, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
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0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

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Company Info

Headquartered in Orange County California, R1 Concepts is the leading manufacturer and retailer of award winning automotive braking systems, namely high performance cross-drilled brake rotors and ferro-carbon and ceramic pads.

Primary Contact: Phouc Martin Trinh (President)
Business Started: 7/17/2003

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Thang Trinh (Vice President)

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