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I simply want the business to acknowledge their failure to act accordingly and for the public to know how they operate.
I purchased Rotorazor online in December 2020 using PayPal. The purchase was to be made over 2 payments. Unbeknownst to me, the 2nd payment wasn't made. In August, I received a notice that my debt had been sent to collections. I was never notified by Rotorazor they had not been paid. I also confirmed with PayPal that they had never been billed. Rotorazor should be responsible for notifying customers they haven't received payment before they can send them to collections! In my communications with them, they claim to have sent an email, but I have searched my account and have found nothing. I am sure the majority of people who don't pay are in financial trouble or are avoiding payment. This is not the case here. I have NEVER made a late payment on anything, let alone been sent to collections. I resent Rotorazor is irresponsibility and laziness in dealing with this situation. I have already paid the remaining balance, which I owed. In my communications with them, they continue to pass the buck and claim they made notification, which is not the case.
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The company's nature of business provides the sale of tools and accessories.
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