197 inquiries | Real Estate Appraisers
(818) 766-6038
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This company's business is providing real esstate appraisal services.
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In California, Real Estate Appraisers are required to obtain a license with the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers. For the most up-to-date information on this license, visit http://www.orea.ca.gov. You may also contact the California Office of Real Estate Appraisers by calling (916) 552-9000 or write to 1102 Q Street, Suite 4100, Sacramento, CA 95811.For businesses outside of California, please check with the agency that regulates this industry.
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Real Estate Appraisers specialists in estimating the value of real property. Real property consists of land, buildings, and natural resources such as water, oil, or minerals. Estimates of value, known as appraisals, are made when property is bought, sold, assessed, taxed, condemned, insured, or mortgaged. Real Estate Appraisers prepare a written description of the property and make an estimate of its value. They may complete standardized checklists as they evaluate the property and the neighborhood in which it is situated. Appraisers obtain land values from county sources and sales information about nearby properties. They also examine the income records and operatingcosts of income properties. Appraisers estimate building replacement costs using building valuation manuals and professional cost estimators. They also verify legal descriptions of property with county records, measure the property and compare the measurements with the legal descriptions. They draw land diagrams and note conditions and special features of buildings.Appraisers analyze and evaluate the data and prepare a written report outlining methods by which the fair-market value was estimated.
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