Member | 857 inquiries | Mattress Stores
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Proud member since 01/26/2005This company is a Charter Member of Business Consumer Alliance.
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I rate them 5 stars and would rate them 10 if I could.
We purchased our mattress a year ago with Randy whom I believe was the owner at the Homeshow in Delmar. My husband asked millions of questions and Randy was very knowledgeable and patient with us. Randy was right about the mattress we have slept very comfortable this past year. The adjustable features work very well. What stood out the most was Randy’s personality; it was great. He had answers for everything and was very helpful in all of this process. My husband doesn’t typically purchase anything on the spot without doing research first; however with the manner in which Randy answered all his questions we felt comfortable in making the purchase. I rate them 5 stars and would rate them 10 if I could.
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Company Info
REM Sleep Solutions specializes in providing customized products such as: the Martinique, Paradise and REM Wave Adjustable beds.
Deep REM Sleep plays a crucial role in physical health. During REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep, blood flow decreases to the brain and redirects itself towards the muscles, allowing the body and mind to rest and recover. The more REM sleep you get, the more likely you will wake feeling refreshed and ready for peak performance during the day. Our mattresses are designed to reduce tossing and turning and maximize the time spent in the REM Sleep stage.
Interested in REM Sleep Solutions? Contact them directly!
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