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Complaints and Resolutions

375 North Citrus Avenue PMB 756
Azusa, CA 91702
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(562) 948-1622

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Our complaint services are free and our team of expert mediators will assist in resolving complaints with businesses.

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complaints alleging paying $60 to work at home, after completing samples the company fails to pay or to send more work to complete. One customer said that the company delivered the work to be performed but it included materials that were like what kindergarteners would do in class. The company responds to one complaint by providing a refund less $10, but the customer was dissatisfied as they promised a 100% refund. One complaint remain unanswered.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against A V Marketing closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

0 complaints against A V Marketing

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