(562) 735-6555
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Showing 1 recent review for AMIP Management
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Posted on 12/6/2019
Practice better business etiquette and fraudulent
The said company above has been fraudulent with everything they have done. They accused me of having a child support lien on my old house trying to force me into foreclosure, which I contacted the child support company in Oregon and they said there was no such lien on the property and there never was. We went through a mediation process back in March of 2019 and signed a bunch of papers with witnesses and notoriety's it was a 'Keys for Cash' agreement. I lost the paperwork in the move and they will not send the paperwork copies that I demanded from the mediation. They have also accused me of abandoning my house when in all said reality I moved out the house on the 31st of July 2019 which they told me to have all my personal belongings out of the house by that date. I have a recording of the CEO of the company cussing me out and threatening to put a restraining order on me just because I want the process over and done with so I can finally breathe and live my life without the constant worry of this mortgage company screwing my credit and myself over. I owed roughly the total of 118,000 dollars on the house.
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