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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against AVI-ID closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against AVI-ID

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $700.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I went to this public notary to get my FOYA , FBI, state of CA ,fingerprints on October 10,2020 . I gave Consuelo Avitia $500.00 to start the process it was the 1st payment out of 2 then on December 16,2020 I gave her another $200.00. I called her 4 months after the process and she said she dint have any news, I told her It was a long time she keep on saying they are backup because of COVID then we started sending out more finger prints and we dint get anything. I called Consuelo to ask her to give me my money back since I dint receive the FOYA report she stated that I have never given her the $500.00 and that if I find the receipt then we will go from there I have been calling her and living her massages and no answer or messages from her. My wife even message her with a picture of the receipts. I don't want her to continue doing this to people that work hard to save up for this process or services. Resolution Sought I want Consuela Avitia to give me my money back and for her to stop stilling from people if she doesn't know how to do this services.

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Company Response


This is an answer to the complaint regarding background checks serviced to complainant. It is a very unfortunate incident. I know the frustration they are going through. I thank them, because of this incident I will definitely make sure to prepare better in order to provide all clients a copy of the company policies of all services. Nonetheless, the company policies are posted in two places, these are visible to clients and they are in English and Spanish. The story he told on this complaint dated 01/23/2023 is not true. He told me to reduce prices two times as his immigration attorney charges too much and he didn't had money. He came about August 2020, I prepared his California Border Patrol FOIA and I didn't receive any money he said to wait for him as he was going through financial situation. He then came on October 10, 2020 and I submitted his California DOJ background check, his FBI background check, submitted an application to get his ITIN, submitted an Immigration FOIA request because he was desperate to get the CBP FOIA ASAP. The Immigration FOIA request was FREE. And, I also submitted for the second time another petition for CBP FOIA. He did paid $500 on October 10, 2020. He then came on March 18, 2021 and because results were taking so long due to Covid-19 I proceeded to do another packet petition another FBI background check. He then came on May 8, 2021 and took his fingerprints in order to submit the third petition for CBP FOIA at no charge. Complainant was questioning my services, I prepared another CBP FOIA and handed the packet to him to be sent by mail that was on or about August 2021. I opened an online CBP FOIA case on or about July ,12, 2022. I sent to complainant the phone number in order if he had questions or if he didn't believe me to ask CBP. I also sent him the CBP case number for reference. On September 12, 2022 I text him the status on the online CBP account, as well as a paragraph the CBP put in his case that due to the increasing number of FOIA requests they are delayed. On September 13, 2022 CBP sent me another email saying they are delayed again and I sent this to complainant by text. He text me on October 17, 2022 saying that it was urgent and to call him back. He called again and I answered. He asked me for some amount back but never specified an amount like he says on the complaint. He reminded how much money he has paid me and that he should get some money back. He cancelled my services as the online CBP FOIA was still going. I had no other choice but cancelled due to the privacy of his personal information. I do not agree with him asking for all the money back. A lot of work has been completed, and delivered to him in person. The total amount for the CBP FOIA paid is $75. I do not agree with his statement saying he came and paid the first day we started the petitions. I do not agree that he said there were two payments only which in fact he agreed in three to make easier for him. I definitely do not agree that he says I steal money from people. I am very open and explained in detail the processing. I cannot guarantee times of arrival of any document as these services are government offices and I don't have control or decisions on processing or other matter. No pictures were sent to me of receipts. We agreed on the cost for the above and this was sent to him on January 17, 2020 by text, except the ITIN request. I have evidence of this but I would only provide to court if necessary as the information I have is with government accounts and sensitive information and private information. Verifications upon request by court only.

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