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Showing 1 recent review for AZ Air Conditioning & Heating
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Posted on 4/25/2013
AZ in Conejo Valley - Best Air Conditioning Company
AZ Air Conditioning & Heating installed a multi-zone ductless split system in my 1870s house in the conejo valley. Although I was considering high-velocity to avoid visible duct-work, I am grateful to AZ Air Conditioning & Heating for discussing the pros and cons of the various systems and convincing me that ductless was a better option for my house. It ended up being cheaper, less invasive and simpler to install, and avoided having a noisy air-handler in the limited space available in the finished attic. AZ Air Conditioning & Heating also put a lot of thought into the installation. They found clever ways of hiding drainage pipes where other contractors said they would have to build a soffit. Done quickly and on time. Would highly recommend to all my Family and friends in the conejo valley.
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