(864) 233-3433
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Showing 1 recent review for B-Unique Beauty and Barber Academy
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Posted on 2/14/2020
They need to pay for my pain and suffering! I do not wish to receive any more services from there!
Went in for a shampoo, condition also a neck shape up. My hair had been braided down. We took the braids a loose, and the student proceeded with the shampoo without first combing my hair. This caused my hair to mat up real bad. I've never had this problem before as a customer. It didn't dawn on me to advise the person to first comb my hair out. Nevertheless, by this time my hair was like a rats nest! Several persons was working on my hair trying to untangle it. The student then started complaining that she had to leave, she had to her mom from work. She was told to finish untangling my hair first. The student starts jerking the comb through my hair while yell profanity. She could see that I was uncomfortable and she commented that she was glad that I wasn't tender headed. I told her that I was, and that I'm just trying to bare with her. The instructor rinsed me out then had another student to blow my hair dry. I then noticed that my hair was broken badly. I looked a hot mess. I left telling the instructor that my hair is going to need to be cut! I went to my car and called my husband crying about what had just happened to my hair. He came up to the school and talked to the instructor about a remedy for the situation. They offered to cut at no charge. I suffered from a headache all night still crying and upset. They tried to make me feel that it was my fault. I never had this problem before there with anyone doing my hair. I got the same service always. The profanity though!
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