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Baby Miss America Pageant complaints

17806 IH-10 West, Suite 300
San Antonio, TX 78251
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Our complaint history for this company shows the company gave proper consideration to complaints presented to them.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

4 complaints against Baby Miss America Pageant closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
4 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

4 complaints against Baby Miss America Pageant

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $950.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


We had a terrible experience from the beginning! We took off work to make sure we made it to check. When we got there we went to ask the hotel where everything was being held since we were not informed of a room we would be in and the hotel looked at us puzzled saying they had no idea. Took it into my own hands to find other pageant moms (this was our very first one btw) and supposedly there was an email sent out YET i never received one stating dates and times had changed. Pageant day, the director is an hour late, kids are getting fussy and all the events WERE NOT kid timing friendly as stated. Nor set up at all! Later The food we were served was subpar at best, there was nothing the kids could eat and no high chairs/kid friendly seating. We had no time to leave to get them food so they were on Snacks all day. This was not made for children 0-3 at all. We were told NOT by any means to have our phones out and the phones should not leave our hotel room (which the hotel was defiantly 2 stars at best) So we were not able to get pictures of our babies on stage, understandable. People who had there's no punishment. Now it's been well over 5 months and still no pictures to show for the $150 we spent on them is ridiculous. When contacting the director we were told "refer to rules and regulations" when we did there was no specific dates. At the end of the pageant we didn't get anything to show for the $800 sponsor fees which we "won" 3 prizes yet nothing not even a followup emails Resolution Sought A refund.

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Company Response


This pageant was held at a beautiful recently remodeled Hilton hotel. During the first 6 months of 2022, all businesses were struggling with supply chain problems and labor shortages that emerged after the COVID shutdown. Hotels struggled to find maids to clean the rooms, servers, kitchen staff, etc. We request highchairs and booster chairs in the BEO (Banquet Event Order); however we understand hotels have very limited inventory. The hotel gave us an incredible discounted rate for the pageant. I sincerely appreciate the fact that the Hilton staff agreed to accept the event and worked very hard to accommodate our needs. We sent an email and text the day before the pageant. In fact, during the final webinar, we explain that we will be communicating by text & email with updates throughout the weekend, along with confirming that it is very important to be sure that parents have snacks, diapers, etc., reminding them of rule 28 that includes "that there will be very long lines and possible delays that occur during and throughout the competition. Schedule changes are possible.It is my responsibility to notify my guests of the probability of long lines and delays that are fundamental when dealing with babies and large crowds. " I sent a personal follow up email to Skyler Byerly on May 9, congratulating her on doing a great job on her daughter's competition attire and the family competition attire and included a few photos from the pageant. Skyler did not mention any of these issues in her response. If she had a "terrible experience from the beginning," why didn't she include that in her emails? I also informed Skyler that she had a different email on the forms that were submitted for the pageant. I have forwarded a copy of the emails. Parents are required to initial each rule and submit a signed copy of the rules & regulations in the very beginning within 5 days of registration. We discuss the rules & regulations in detail during the online webinars and remind parents to read the rules carefully and contact us with any questions. We send a follow-up email immediately after every pageant and post photos from the pageant on social media. However, we cannot guarantee email deliverability due to the individual email provider, We are constantly working to improve email deliverability. We also communicate with parents through Facebook messenger and text messages. We discuss the Picture Package in detail during every webinar. I read the entire Rule 13 during the first webinar and explained that our office was closed during the 2 years of the COVID shutdown, and we are still in the process of reopening our office and consolidating everything from 3 different storage facilities and are in the process of restaffing. There are over 3000 photos taken at each pageant. Rule 13 explains Picture Packages are scheduled to be processed at the end of the Pageant Season. Parents sre notified by text and email when the Picture Package is prepared for delivery. The purpose of having parents initial and sign the rules and regulations upon registration, at least 6 weeks before the scheduled event is to confirm that parents completely understand the organizational structure and how the pageant system operates to produce a memorable and meaningful event.

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $200.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


We purchased two picture packages in April and we never received our pictures. One package was $150 and the other was $50. I have reached out multiple times to ask when I can expect them and she refuses to give me any type of time frame. I have asked so many times and she refuses to help me. There are multiple other moms who have had this problem as well. It has gotten as far as this time when I messaged her she asked if we even competed in the pageant at all. I have no hopes that I will ever receive a photo package now and would just like my money back. Resolution Sought Id like a full refund for the money I spent on the picture package. I paid her well over $1000 for the pageant that was poorly put together. I'm only asking for my picture package money back since I never received the products or any time frame.

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Company Response


The Baby Miss America Rules & Regulations state the Picture Packages will be processed at the end of the Pageant Season. The Pageant Season ends when we crown the new National Winner. This is discussed in detail during the Online Webinars held prior to the pageant. Parents have the opportunity to ask questions during the Online Webinars as we review each of the rules & regulations in detail, including the No Refund Policy. Parents can also send questions or concerns by email, text, or Facebook messenger. I did not receive any emails, texts or Facebook messages from Miracle concerning the Picture Package prior to the pageant. Each Parent is required to initial and sign each rule individually and submit the signed document upon registration. Attached is a screenshot of the rules signed by Miracle. I have communicated with Miracle through email concerning this situation. It is very important that Parents include their child's name and the name of the pageant in all messages, emails and texts, as it is impossible to identify a child when receiving a text message, Facebook message or email unless that information is included. The cost to participate in the pageant is not $1000.00. Miracle daughter participated in 2 pageants that weekend and the required fees for both pageants combined is not $1000.00. Parents due incur other expenses such as competition attire, and travel expenses including, gas, food, and hotel, however, we do not receive those funds. The Parent deals directly with the hotel hosting the pageant. We have been severely understaffed due to the labor shortage caused by the pandemic disruption. The 2022 Pageant Season ends with the National Pageant in February 2023. The 2022 Pageant Season began in the Fall of 2021 and was delayed due to COVID restrictions and complications. The rules state that the "Picture Packages will be processed at the end of the Pageant Season." However, we expect to deliver the Picture Packages before the scheduled date. Miracle will receive an email and text message when her Picture Package has been processed.

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