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Showing 26 recent reviews for Best Buy Company, Inc.
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Posted on 10/17/2023
Very poor customer service!!
At 2:50 p.m. today in Stockton Best Buy I was approached while leaving the store by three big guys and a girl telling me take my head their headphones out of my purse. What headphones I said I opened my purse and let them see inside of it my bag and there was nothing in there so they told me just to go I can never go back in that store again I am so embarrassed in front of my other people's other peers. I don't know what they could do for me I'm so embarrassed and I'm so ashamed like they embarrassed me. I can't even explain the feeling I definitely don't ever want to see that black guy up front again or the white woman or the other man they should be fired.
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Posted on 9/13/2023
Improve your customer service.
Customer service. Manager David was too busy discussing non work issue with Samantha (cashier) to accommodate customers. Samantha was too busy having a conversation with David to acknowledge a customer while another customer behind me had to wait until David was done having a non-work related conversation to help another customer.
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