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1404 E Central Ave
LaFollette, TN 37766
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(423) 562-3691

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Showing 1 recent review for Breadbox Gas Station

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Posted on 12/14/2020

She needs a good talking to .

I'm not complying a money situation , I was at this store on Friday December 11th to get 2 cups of coffee and it was just 8:45pm and the lady at the register watched me walk back to the coffee machine and it was brewing or said it was so I waited there for 4 minutes till the machine stopped and went to fill my cup and it was water, and not one time while I was standing there did she ask me if I was wanting coffee she just let me stand there without saying a word and that is not very business like of her to do so. Especially if you are a regular in that store someone needs to do something about this type of treatment to a paying customer. I think she needs to be told that anytime a customer come in to that store she needs to ask them if they at least need help or something not just let someone stand there like they are stupid.