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Showing 2 recent reviews for Centaur Horse Walkers
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Posted on 5/30/2019
Costly and horrible service
I bought my hot walker including rood for 50k and they installed it and the computer stopped working in 7 months. instead of coming to fix it they are blaming it on the fact that I have solar. the computer system shows an error and upon googling it only needs to be reset. however no one from the company is willing to come out to help me. very disappointing. I am very unhappy with their service
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Posted on 5/12/2014
Horse equisizer paid for and not delivered
I purchased an equisizer and paid for it in January of 2014, I haven't received the product. Jennifer says they are having a hard time finding a shipper. My emails are not returned for weeks after they are sent and I am concerned if I'll ever get the product or my money back. My phone calls end up on an answering machine and are not returned. This is not the way you do business.Thank YouDavid Krol
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