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Showing 1 recent review for Char-Broil, LLC
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Posted on 8/21/2018
I purchased a smoker for my wife's anniversary present. The $450+ dollar model. The electric starter on the gas grill failed after 2 or 3 uses. For something that cost $450+ to fail so soon is absurd and certainly my experience contradicts any claims of quality by this company. If you claim to be a great product and you price it as such then it should not fail in 2 or 3 uses. It is also NOT QUALITY, IT IS TOTAL JUNK. I want them to quit their false advertising. I want them to quit lying to people and calling the JUNK they sell quality. If they can not make semi-decent equipment then they should stick to cooking their mediocre BBQ. I am getting a refund and just losing a day of my life over this but please warn the public about these BUMS.
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