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Showing 1 recent review for CNK Digital
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Posted on 2/8/2020
Investors Beware!
Strongly advise against investing in this company and/or any venture in which the principals (Scalone or Carabet) are involved. California issued (and Clickn' Kids - CNK) signed a July 2016 consent order prohibiting CNK, Scalone or Carabet from selling unregistered stock in CA and further fined CNK $100,000 for previous securities violations. (see https://dbo.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/296/2012/03/ClickN-Kids-Inc-Consent-Order.pdf). That same consent order cited that in Feb 2002 Scalone and Carabet were issued a similar Cease and Desist Order by the Pennsylvania Securities Commission from offering and selling unregistered securities by unregistered agents in PA. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS WASN'T THEIR FIRST BRUSH WITH AUTHORITIES RE: SELLING UNREGISTERED SECURITIES. Wish I had known that prior to investing in CNK. NEVER invest in anything in which Scalone or Carabet are involved! After more than a decade absolutely no return on investment, no communication about investment (numerous BBB complaints), and very little if any, accountability for invested funds, not to mention violation of CA securities laws. Worst investment ever.
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