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Complaints and Resolutions

CompuCredit Corporation complaints

Five Concourse Parkway, Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30328
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(888) 522-2278

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Total Amount in Dispute:

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the business has not responded to customer complaints brought to its attention.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

2 complaints against CompuCredit Corporation closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
2 Unanswered

2 complaints against CompuCredit Corporation

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RESPONSE: Complaint was not answered Amount in Dispute: $1,000.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I applied for credit with them . They gave 5 credit cards . The total , was $500. $99 was the fee . I only had the cards less than a month , before I noticed they closed my accounts. I paid the $25 minimum on the of the cards . That was also returned. The accounts are closed but I'm still getting charged a monthly fee . I don't feel I owe money on these accounts, after my money was returned and there was no official explanation, on why they were suddenly closed . They even went as far , as sending me 45 rejection notices . I took a picture of 30 of them . It's been a nightmare. I'm dealing with HIV / AIDS diagnosis. Resolution Sought Not charge me , after the accounts were closed . The way I was treated was unprofessional.

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RESPONSE: Complaint was not answered Amount in Dispute: $0.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


My account has been frozen for a month. Due to verification. I'll give them that. I've never been late on a payment with them. They tell me today it's goin to be another month before the can lift the hold. I told them. I'm paying you off and cutting up your card. Can they do this? I don't care anyways Resolution Sought fixt it and apologize

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