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Complaints and Resolutions

CTI Group, LLC complaints

3857 Birch Street, Suite 545
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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(323) 348-4766

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Complainants allege the trading system purchased from the company failed to produce the results as represented at the time of purchase. Other customers complain the company fails to honor their money back guarantee or that they receive repeated calls from telemarketing agents trying to selll them a trading system. ~~The company responds to some complaints by stating they do not warranty commission returns by issuing refunds or by agreeing to remove the client from their marketing database.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

0 complaints against CTI Group, LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

0 complaints against CTI Group, LLC

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