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Currie Motors Chevrolet Inc. complaints

8401 West Roosevelt Road
Forest Park, IL 60130
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(708) 771-2600

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that while the company did respond to the one complaint brought to the company’s attention, the response did not address the complainant’s allegations.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Currie Motors Chevrolet Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Currie Motors Chevrolet Inc.

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $4,999.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


REVISED 2/7/22:Consumer states she purchased the car in Dec and was promised to get the side mirror on the driver side fix. She was told the car was going to get flushed out and the filters cleaned. She states none of this was done. All that was done was they applied paint to the area where the paint was chipping. She was charged over $4,000 in fees in her contract, but she doesn't know are for. She was referred to the finance company. The finance company informed the dealership needed to break down the charges as they were not responsible for that. She also found out the car was in an accident and this was never disclosed to her. They offered to take the car back but she needed to give an additional $6,000. She declined to do so and questioned why when she had already paid $8000, plus a car note of $730 which is way more than she informed she could afford when asked, she informed she could pay $500-$550. Company is now avoiding her call regarding follow up to insurance she cancelled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying since December 22 to get my car fix no response. Resolution Sought REVISED 2/7/22: Consumer asking for the car to be repaired as promised, for the car payment to be lowered to what she can afford and to break down the additional $4000 in fees on the contract. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find out all the hidden charges on my account.

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Company Response


Thank you for bringing the customer's concerns to us. The customer signed all documentation for the vehicle and purchase, which itemizes the fees and charges. A copy of her Purchase Agreement is attached (on file). Our records reveal that we did the work on the vehicle, including mounting all four tires, replacing the filers, and front brake rotors. We also had outside body work done to paint and repair the rear bumper. See the RO and Body Invoice attached. We trust that this clears up any confusion.

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Customer Rebuttal


The paperwork is wrong and they need to follow up with me. I found out the filters were not changed because the Acura dealer did a full inspection on the vehicle. They also told me the mirror was messed up because the car was in an accident. Currie Motors Chevrolet charged me for an extended warranty that I cancelled, but I have not received a refund. Also, there are $4000.00 hidden fees that were not explained to me. Nothing was itemized on my purchase invoice. They don't even answer my phone calls and are avoiding addressing my issues. I don't even want the car anymore because it's not aligned correctly and they never told me the car was in an accident. Give my money back so I can get another vehicle.

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