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Showing 1 recent review for Discovery Communications, LLC
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Posted on 7/23/2021
The net consequences are the same.
As an ten year veteran in audio production, post-production and broadcast technology, I must lodge a complaint about the inadequate attention to the ASA Broadcast Standards for audio replication of productions for broadcast on commercial television and cable television. ID is set to an AGC (audio gain control) level when it must be subject to ASA SMPTE industry standards. How Federal Communications Commision can permit them to continue to broadcast erroneous audio material without complying with SMPTE broadcast standards is unacceptable. They should be required to correct the problems or cease to have FCC license to operate. Hire audio techs who have a rudimentary understanding and experience with professional audio recording and reproduction. If you don't you will lose audience viewers eventually and go out of business.
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