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Easy Relocation complaints

199 East Montgomery Avenue Suite 100
Rockville , MD 20850
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(240) 261-0565

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that while the company did respond to the one complaint brought to the company’s attention, the response did not address the complainant’s allegations.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Easy Relocation closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Easy Relocation

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $3,405.80 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I contracted a move with Tracie at Easy Relocation on May 10, 2022. The move date was for Saturday, June 4, 2022. Three men showed up at approximately 9am. They were moving slow and continuously on the phone with there boss Dimitri. They had another job to fulfill that afternoon. I contracted for 6 hours. They filled the truck up to 1/3 of my belongings and would not load or agree to take anymore than what was on their list. I was furious and called Tracie at Easy Relocation she advised me that they will finish the job and just charge me more if necessary. The men called Dimitri he stated they will not finish the job. I then was forced to pay $982.80 for them to release my belongings on the truck. They also destroyed 3 wardrobes, 2 bed frames, and they damaged the basement ceiling trying to move the wardrobe. I paid a deposit of $273.00. I had to stay in a hotel with my special needs brother and 80 year mother who had leukemia. I was able by the grace of God to hire a new mover from A1 moving and Sunday they moved us with no problem within the 6 hours and no damage. The money I lost I want returned and it includes the 3 wardrobes, the 2 bed frames, and the repair of the hole in the ceiling. I have witnesses that were also there helping us to move our things and saw the whole nightmare unfold. Resolution Sought I want my money returned and the damages to items and the ceiling of the basement that now has a hole.

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Company Response


Sorry that you felt you did not have the right experience. Here is what actually happened and we can submit pictures as evidence if google allows us. 1.When movers arrived at customer's house on a move date she had double the items that what she has reported to our sales rep over the phone. 2.The work environment was extremely dirty and disinfected (dog's feces, trash on the ground, dust on top of the furniture). The foreman took photos. 3. Movers reported to our office that they can not work in that kind of environment. 4. We told them that we have contract with customer that we need to obligate and they need to take the stuff on the original inventory list that she submitted. 5. Movers loaded everything on the contract that both parties agreed upon. 6. Customer told them that they will need to load the rest as well which was double. 7. We couldn't force the movers to work any longer in customer house due to the hygiene issue. 8. Customer requested the property on the truck to be returned to her origin house. 9. Movers advised that she still need to pay us for the labor time as the original contract states. 10. Customer told them to leave everything on the lawn because she did not want to pay for the time to put everything back to the house and assemble it. 11. Customer requested the movers to disassemble the wardrobes because they were too big to fit trough her basement. She said that her brother will put them back together. If customer wants us to help us we can find a solution for her.

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Customer Rebuttal


My response is number one we do not and never had a dog....The house was in disarray because we were moving...The movers that came the next day A1 movers had us video all the the items and the house while on zoom and they arrived no issues and completed the job....they can be my witnesses .The dispatcher Tracie at Easy Relocation advised me that they would load the things on the list first and then the rest of my things after and charge me more if it was beyond the scope of what was on her list like most moving companies. I contracted for 6 hours of work.. From the time the three men arrived all they could talk about was the next job they had and it would take too much time. I was mistreated and lied to and lied about in a public forum....They keep saying that the movers could not stay due to hygiene and work conditions but the foreman Lebron was in conversation with my whole family even showing us pictures of his children so the environment was not as they stated. It was a bad day and things went wrong. I just want it to be rectified.

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