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Edge Enterprises LLC complaints

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Keaau, HI 96749
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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that while the company did respond to the one complaint brought to the company’s attention, the response did not address the complainant’s allegations.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Edge Enterprises LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Edge Enterprises LLC

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $2,000.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


On 2/26/2022 we purchased a 2009 Honda Accord from wife of the owner of this business. Bluebook on this vehicle was $6,900.-$8,600. There was an obvious blemish that had been spray painted silver (car is silver) as well as a couple rips in the upholstery of center console in between driver and passenger seats, as well as arm rest on drivers side. No other problems were noticeable. We offered $8,000. as the car was not top dollar with impact mark and tears, we needed a car badly. She refused and said her husband told her no lower than $8,500. We foolishly agreed, not realizing that 'blemish' had done SIGNIFICANT damage. The next day, after taking a closer look, we noticed the headlight just above 'blemish' mark, had separated the metal from the glass making a 1/2" gap where water and condensation will undoubtedly form, as well as crackling of plastic front piece (bumper shroud) and several chips to paint along front tire wheel well and chipping of plastic along bottom edge as well. We called immediately (8:00AM Sunday morning) and basically told 'too bad'. We were led to believe by wife, they were selling car because "My husband finally got the truck of his dreams." That was her answer when I asked specifically "Why are you selling this car?" A FAR more honest answer would have been "Because my husband is in the car business, and we decided to turn it in a month and make some easy money on unsuspecting senior citizens." THAT would have been honest, at least. BEWARE?????? Resolution Sought We want $2,000. returned to us, as well as headliner replacement ($400)for the true value of this flawed vehicle. Or at LEAST an official complaint filed on this business that preys on the old for profit. What's truly ironic about this, whilst the wife was ripping us off at husband's instruction, I was looking out after their young son who she had with her. His shoe laces were untied and I warned him about tripping on them, so he tied them up. Isn't the comparison so very stark. Speaks volumes.

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Company Response


We agreed to respond and meet with them and instantly got demand about money. Also, name calling and put downs about our character. we insisted they test drive the car and have their mechanic look at it. All of this was refused before purchase. This was an As-Is sale an blue book is only a guide. There were no known mechanical issues and the car ran and performed beautifully. We fully inspected the car and th customer admistted to seeing the cosmetic damage that was present. This seems a way to harass good honest business people out of money. They rushed the guy in and refused any and all inspections - etc. We endured cerating and name calling and just surprised they don't/didn't want to return the car all together $2,000 for cosmetic damages that were not hidden and fully disclosed is absurd. Sold As-Is not realizing the senior citizens were gold diggers.

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Customer Rebuttal


First of all, this is the first time I've seen the response from the seller. Secondly, every single statement he made is untrue. The wife, without husband present, never insisting we drive the car. They never said to take it anywhere to be inspected. They never mentioned 'as-is' sale because they didn't want us to know they were a car sales business. Which would explain why they saw a quick sales, easy money, having had that car 8 DAYS. The very first time my husband drove it with windows down, the headliner tore away on drivers side in back seat area, and we hadn't had the car a week. I did text a message to wife letting her know this. The car had NOT been gone thru because nothing had been done to it whatsoever, since we had it inspected by the mechanic who also ordered the headliner kit of $600./not including labor. His estimate of work that should be done and was not (125,000 mile mark) was $1,700. That's not 'gold-digging'. That's the TRUTH. In fact, the car hadn't even been cleaned because whoever drove it left all their crusty hair goop on the drivers headrest. What DID occur was a schister car salesman sending his wife and child out to do his DIRTY WORK FOR HIM.

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