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Elite Crete Systems Florida Inc complaints

720 NE 25th Avenue Suite 25
Milton, FL 33909-2236
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(239) 424-8692

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Complaint Experience


Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Elite Crete Systems Florida Inc closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
1 Refusing to make an adjustment
0 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Elite Crete Systems Florida Inc

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RESPONSE: Refusing to make an adjustment Amount in Dispute: $7,000.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


Elite Crete product installed around our pool in December, 2021. We paid $7,000 to Anthony Julio (A'Corn Home Improvements, LLC) a certified installer of the Elite Crete product. Product did not adhere properly and started lifting and chipping with pieces falling in our pool impacting our filtration system. It is obvious the product installation was faulty and the product does not come close to what as represented to us or as depicted on the website for Elite Crete. Anthony Julio came back, inspected the results of his job and stated "covered by warranty." The company representative (John Keller) stated product not applied properly and that the certified installer failed to purchase materials for filling cracks, etc. Company representative also stated "finish has been worn off in high spots from chairs, etc." We do not have chairs, etc. around our pool. We specifically told the certified installer our main reason for purchasing the coating was to have a cooler surface to walk on around our pool This coating holds the heat resulting in a hotter surface than what we previously had. We have contracted with another company to fix this problem. We want a refund from Elite Crete and/or Anthony Julio. Elite Crete and Anthony Julio are non-responsive. We had to pay another company to grind the defective product off the pool apron and install covering correctly. Resolution Sought Total refund of $7,000

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Company Response


The complainant states I have been non-responsive, which is totally false. I have spoken to her on the phone and emailed her an explanation of what is happening from the many photos provided to me. I explained to her that everything I saw was due to installation of the materials, not the materials themselves. The installer most likely over sold the capabilities of the products as well. I even explained how the installer could correct the issues she had. The sole responsibility falls on the installer of the products, Anthony Julio, not the product. Further, I am not the manufacturer of the products, simply a reseller of the products. If she wishes to continue to blame the product, she can take that up with the manufacturer. She has tried to use BBB for this as well, and I explained the exact same thing and they dropped the complaint against me.

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Customer Rebuttal


Anthony Julio is a "certified installer" of this Company's product. The "certified installer" stated John Keller (company representative) confirmed to him the product was under warranty. I contacted Mr. Keller and he directed me to Evan Annikan ( Mr. Annikan has not responded nor acknowledged my email. The company website states products are sold only to experienced contractors, not available in supply stores, the company assists independent contractors with technical support, regional technical offices offer lunch-and-learns for contractors in the familiarization of products, and only experienced contractors are invited to provide an estimate to the consumer. Clearly Elite Crete determines who becomes a "certified installer" eligible to provide its product to consumers. After reading their website, any reasonable consumer would believe the contractor is held to a high standard. My experience proves there is no quality control of the Elite Crete "certified installers" and customer response is not indicative of a reputable company providing a quality product or service. I want my money back.

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Company Final Response


Carol, I am truly sorry you had a poor experience with this installer. We don't 'certify' installers, but do offer training for them. Anthony worked for another installer at one point before he moved into your area. He has experience with our products. Our products are only sold to people who have been through a 2 day training class or have previous experience using ours or similar products. I would have hoped you would have done your due diligence and asked for referrals of previous work he has done, or contacted our office to find out his experience level before hiring any contractor to do work for you. As explained before, the issues on your job were clearly installation errors and/or poor workmanship which would be warrantied by the installer. I never told Anthony our warranty would cover what he was dealing with, I told him it was on him.

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