(304) 267-7500
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Showing 1 recent review for Extreme Family Fitness
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Posted on 7/9/2024
I was charged after I cancelled.
I had a year membership with this gym. After the year contract was up. I stayed with them for another year. Around this time, I decided to move locations. (1hr and a half away) so I went in and filled out a membership cancellation paper. I was told I would be charged again after 30 days of cancellation. I paid that fee. Which already seemed illegal. I then was charged again this month. Even though I called them and told them about how it didn't seem right. They refused to help in any way. I had to call my bank and dispute the charge 2 times now and now have my debit card changed because they can't keep their hands out of my pocket? A little ridiculous that nothing is being done about this because it's happened to multiple people. Resource: the 1000's of people in the google review comments saying the exact same thing. Please do something about this.
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