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Complaints and Resolutions

Fletcher Jones MotorCars, Inc. complaints

3300 Jamboree Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
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(949) 718-3000

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BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows the company gave proper consideration to complaints presented to them.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Fletcher Jones MotorCars, Inc. closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Fletcher Jones MotorCars, Inc.

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $1,300.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


I took my Mercedes 2019 csl into dealership for a set appt. Long story short, when I went the next day to puck it up , an employee there has crashed my car when taking it up to service ( it was eventually seen on their video- I wasn't shown). Dealership initially placed blame on me. They did fix the front bumper and passenger door as an additive . Over 2 weeks later I p/u car and saw a plastic piece was broken by the passenger window- they broke . The psi to my tires were wrong as well from service which I had to also remedy at another place. After they fixed the broken window piece I also noticed that there was a growing stress crack in my windshield starting on again the passenger side. The dealership again blamed me stating first it was the change in weather. But when I brought to attention they were housing my car outside fir the past 2 weeks… they then said something must have hit my window. I only had tge car back 2 days and did not drive it except to get gas n fix tire pressure. They wanted to charge me close to $3000 to fix. I called my insurance and went to safelight to fix. This did of course now cost me $1300 ( I had personal $500 deductible to pay). The professionals at safelight took video and report it presented to be cracked from when the repairs were done on my door as there were no "pock" marks in glass to show a hit from a rock. I have called Fletcher Jones multiple times , finally got a call back from svc manager Eric -won't help or pay for. Resolution Sought Pay for my new windshield

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Company Response


Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to the BBB complaint of this customer. The customer respectfully fails to include in the complaint several important facts. The vehicle was first seen by our dealership personnel on September 26. The vehicle was not purchased at our dealership, and it had never been in for service or repairs of any kind at our dealership before that date. We acknowledge that the right front bumper issue that the customer explains in her BBB complaint was caused by our outside service valet company however the dealership repaired that issue at our cost and additionally waived the charges for all other services that the customer had performed by our dealership during that September visit. The other service charges that our dealership waived for the September visit totaled @$650.00. In summary the customer paid nothing for the September visit. We feel that was a more than fair additional customer good will accommodation regarding the bumper damage issue. After the customer picked up her vehicle and departed the dealership, she called the service advisor back claiming the triangular trim piece came off the driver’s side door by the mirror housing. Our personnel explained that we did not work on that side of her vehicle or that part but again agreed to replace that part at no charge to our customer. Our personnel ordered the part and once it arrived installed the part while the customer waited. After leaving the dealership with the vehicle the customer called 2 days later claiming the windshield was damaged and it was caused by the dealership. The crack in the windshield went all the way across the driver’s view, and it was not like that when she picked up her vehicle a fact which she agreed to and which we can prove. The customer appears to be making 2 claims about the windshield crack both of which we can refute: 1) The customer claims this is a stress crack. We have explained to the customer it is not a stress crack because there is an impact mark where glass is missing. There will be no missing glass when it is a stress crack. 2) The customer claims that Safelite told her it happened during repairs. Respectfully we can also prove that is not an accurate statement. More importantly, Safelite has no basis to make that speculative conclusion as it did not examine the vehicle immediately after the dealership repairs were completed and has ignored the impact damage our personnel found when the customer returned with the vehicle for inspection. As claimed it happened when the vehicle was repaired. She claims Safelite told her that. Safelite has no clue what was done to the vehicle and is not in a position to make that claim. Our dealership has acted reasonably and will not offer any further "free" repairs regarding this issue.

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