(636) 900-8410
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Showing 1 recent review for Freedom Heating & Cooling
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Posted on 10/15/2021
I want to save someone else from having this problem in the future. I would not recommend this company to anyone.
This company was sent out to by our home warranty people to repair our AC which was not working. First he was late arriving. We were given a 1:30-5:30 time and he arrived at 6:02 pm. He basically said that our unit was running fine , but the blower was dirty and that's what was causing the unit to freeze up. He said that they would have to charge me $250+ dollars if I wanted them to clean the blower. My husband cleans Borge the inside blower and the outside unit completely ( which wasn't really very dirty) The unit worked ok for 2 days and completely quit working. The compressor wouldn't even come on. The warranty company sent them back out today. First they called and wanted to know if we had cleaned the blower before they sent someone back out. When he arrived, he went to my downstairs basement door and pounded and yelled for me to let me k is he was here. He spent 5 minutes looking at the outside unit ( never entered the house) and then told me there was nothing wrong with the unit it was all running perfectly fine. He said he couldn't fix something that when I called my husband to tell him that the guy got really angry and cursed at me and started packing up his things. When I asked him to not curse at me, he got even angrier. I asked him to talk to my husband and he absolutely refused to talk to him and got in his truck and left. My children heard all of this through the windows and were quite upset as well! His lack of unprofessionalism was completely uncalled for
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