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Showing 1 recent review for Fruit Engine
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Posted on 2/11/2016
FRUIT ENGINE HAS TURNED OUT TO BE A LOYAL,PROFESSIONAL,EXCELLENT COMPANY TO WORK WITH.My company is a family entertainment business called CreativePartiesForKids.com. When I first met Fruit Engine my Mother had just passed away. They helped me over the phone for hours arranging my site and helping me create something that has supported not only my daughter and myself but has allowed me to employ many talented people and bring joy to thousands of families. Even more impressive is the recent re-design that they are doing and have almost completed! I was very close to using another company that offered to do the site for free. It was horrible. Michelle graciously extended their services again, and I could not be happier with the wondeful site we are creating and am looking forward to seeing the results of the Link Building Popularity Program.PROFESSIONAL. PROMPT . CREATIVE . KIND . RESPONSIVE..Thank you Lisa C, Director, CreativePartiesForKids.com
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