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Complaints and Resolutions

Hideaway Novelties Smoke and Vale LLC complaints

154 Appalachian Plaza
South Williamson, KY 41503
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(606) 257-1152

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Complaint Resolution Index (CRI)

BCA's Summary and Analysis:

Our complaint history for this company shows that the one complaint brought to the company’s attention was responded to and given proper consideration.

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Complaint Closing Statistics

1 complaints against Hideaway Novelties Smoke and Vale LLC closed in last 3 years.
Complaints Type of response
0 Making a full refund, as the consumer requested
0 Making a partial refund
0 Agreed to make an adjustment
0 Refusing to make an adjustment
1 Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement
0 Unanswered

1 complaints against Hideaway Novelties Smoke and Vale LLC

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RESPONSE: Refuse to adjust, relying on terms of agreement Amount in Dispute: $50.00 Amount Settled: $0.00

Customer Complaint


A week ago I bought what I thought was a refillable vape. The employee I believe his name to be Brandon sold me a vape which was not refillable so I took the vape back and I spoke with the owner who agreed that he would exchange it I thought that he had exchanged this vape for refillable vape but when I opened the box there was no vape in it. I went in this morning to try to get the vape and was told I had to come back when he got back from Las Vegas which would be next week. I have hit resistance from this shop from the get-go first I was lied to about the product being returnable within two days second they give me a box with no vape in it and I am out over $50 trying to deal with these rude and high employees.; It's really simple all I want is a vape I paid for one I want one I don't want to be told go on get out of here we're not going to do this we're not going to exchange I feel so belittled after dealing with these people when all I wanted to do was purchase a vape and I did purchase a base but I still have no vape you walk in there they make you feel so you're a liar I have the original receipt but the second time when I took the first back he simply handed me a vape and told me give him $10 and didn't give me a second receipt. I either want a refund of my money or a vape. Can you help would you please help Resolution Sought Simply give me the product I paid for and don't treat me as though I'm trying to steal from them they have stolen from me

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Company Response


Company states; I would like to start off with we do not & have not for several months before 7/28/21 have an employee named Brandon (There has not been a Brandon since around March 2021). I apologize that you've had a bad experience with us and this is the third or fourth time I have read this same complaint over google, etc. When you came in and did the purchase where it was disposable although it is posted everywhere No Refunds/No Exchanges we did try to make the situation correct with you because you said our employee misinformed you of what you purchased. We went against our policy several days after your initial purchase and took the disposable back and with the difference you purchased a Novo X which was set up by the owner. You were shown how to appropriately fill and care for your device. A week later you called the shop and spoke with a staff member (No One of Authority) stating the vape was not in the box (one week after the second purchase) but you walked out with the vape ready to use and in hand. We do have cameras, not only for our safety but in the instance of times like this when we are wrongfully accused. We have never had this type of situation arise before, because we set the mods up for the person before they leave the store unless they request otherwise and in those events we grab a boxed starter kit with plastic still over the box! I'm sorry your first purchase was not correct but we did what we could to make that right! You were instructed on how to use the device, it was filled and ready to smoke it. I'm sorry but it does sound like you may have misplaced it.

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